Monday Morning Motivator

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Thoughts Worth Thinking About!

This week we share some insightful wisdom from various thought leaders to consider to help us personally and professionally!

We are sure that some will resonate.

Check Out Our Video Of The Week – The Greatest

You'll achieve much more by being consistently reliable than by being occasionally extraordinary.

You can get pretty damn far in life by just being someone that people can count on to show up and do the work.

You're one year of focus away from people saying you got lucky.

Most people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year. Your entire life can change in one year. Not ten, not five, not three. One. One year of focused, daily effort. You're always just one year away from a dramatically different life. The transformation won't be easy, but it is possible.

The answers you seek are found in the actions you avoid.

Every single thing you want in life is on the other side of something you don't want to do. The body you seek is found in the workouts you skip. The relationships you seek are found in the hard conversations you delay. The success you seek is found in the hours of execution you avoid. The answer is found in the action. Remember that.

It's all on you.

No one is coming to save you. No one will fix your problems. No one will change your mindsets. No one will hand you the things you want in life. It's just you. It's all on you. There's a power in that.

Later you'll be dead.

Life is filled with laters. I'll spend more time with my kids later. I'll find time for my health later. I'll have more freedom later. The brutal reality: Later is just another word for never. Most of the things you say you'll do later won't be possible by the time you claim you'll do them. Your kids won't be five years old later. Your health won't be there later. Your life won't suddenly be built for freedom and enjoyment later. Either design it into your life now or live with regret later.

Anxiety loves idleness.

Stress and anxiety feed on idleness. When you take action, you starve them of the oxygen they need to survive. When in doubt, act.

You are the sum total of the actions you take.

You may have positive thoughts and intentions, but your actions are all that matters in the end. And no matter what anyone tells you, your actions are always within your control. You get to choose your next action. If it isn't one you're proud of, that's on you.

You don't plan your future. You plan your actions today, and those actions create your future.

A question to reset your focus: If I repeated this day for 100 straight days, would my life be better or worse? Planning your future can quickly spiral into procrastination in disguise. Focus on the actions in the present and let the future take care of itself.

The people you choose to surround yourself with will determine your outcomes.

The Pygmalion Effect says that we rise to the level of other people's expectations for us. If you surround yourself with people who believe you are capable of more, who want you to think bigger, who push you to grow, you will prove them right. Remember: Someone is either holding you back or pushing you forward. There is no in between.

Inputs may be trendy, but outputs get you paid.

No one cares about your deep work ritual or morning routine if you don’t get sh*t done. Focus on your inputs, but never lose sight of the fact that the world will judge you based on your outputs. If the quality of the outputs doesn't match the quality of the inputs over a long time horizon, you need to adjust the inputs.

The things you want most in life will come to you, but only when you're ready for them.

Mario Quintana once wrote, "Don’t waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come." Your external reality is often a manifestation of your internal reality. Don't look out, look in.

The word "yet" will change your life.

"I'm not good enough" becomes "I'm not good enough...yet." "I don't know how to do it" becomes "I don't know how to do it...yet." "I'm not capable of that" becomes "I'm not capable of that...yet." "Yet" is your one word reminder that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to. You are dynamic and capable of so much more than you realize. Embrace the "yet" and change your life.

If your business needs marketing that works, give us a call. We're here to help!

Have a great day unless you chose otherwise!


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Quote of the Week

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.


Word of the Week

Concatenate (Kahn-kit-uh-nay) : a formal word that means “to link together in a series or chain

Eg: Most household garbage bags are concatenated on rolls and connected at their perforated edges for easy tearing.


Proverb of the Week

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.

Proverbs 10 verse 9 The Bible


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