Monday Morning Motivator

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Be, Do, Have

This week we share a powerful message from author and thought leader, Sahil Bloom. We all desire to make positive changes in our lives personally and professionally but often get stuck or find making those changes to difficult.

Sahil’s message gives us a brilliant mental model to help us.

Check Out Our Video Of The Week – Royal City Jewellers & Loans – 70th Anniversary Sale

A few weeks ago, a dear friend told me about a brilliant mental model from the Hoffman Institute for creating transformation:

It's called Be, Do, Have.

The traditional line of thinking is Have, Do, Be:

  • I need to have
  • Then I can do
  • Then I will be

A classic example: I need to have more money and fancy things, then I can do the things I want, then I'll be fulfilled.

The reality: The conditional approach—if I have X, then I'll be Y—never works.

Be, Do, Have flips this traditional thinking on its head:

  • I will be Z.
  • Then I can do Y.
  • Then I will have X.

In the context of our example: I will embody the state of being of a fulfilled person, then I can do the actions of a fulfilled person, then I will have the things I desire.

This model focuses on the internal, rather than the external, and centers on your identity in the present, rather than placing it in the future. It is a reminder of your control over your world.

It brings to mind one of my favorite quotes:

"Don’t waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come." - Mario Quintana

Something I’ve come to believe: The things you want most in life will come to you, but only when you’re ready for them.

Be, Do, Have: Mend your garden and the butterflies will come.

An important reminder:

I recently came across this beautiful passage:

"Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest." - Ecclesiastes 11:4

There’s no such thing as a perfect moment.

There are just moments—and your actions determine the outcomes.

Go make those moments perfect through your actions.

If your business needs marketing that works, give us a call. We're here to help!

Have a great day unless you chose otherwise!


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Quote of the Week

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.


Word of the Week

Contretemps (kahn-truh-than) : refers to an inconvenient or embarrassing occurrence or situation. It can also refer to a dispute or argument.

Eg: Jacqueline found herself in the middle of an embarrassing contretemps when her client suddenly changed his story and, ignoring her advice, spoke to reporters.


Proverb of the Week

Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the laps of fools.

(Ecclesiastes 7 verse 9 The Bible)


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