Monday Morning Motivator

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Failure or Opportunity

This week we share a powerful message from author and speaker, Jon Gordon. Jon’s perspectives on failure are a great reminder that how we see and deal with setbacks are a huge difference between learning and growing or becoming stuck!

We will all deal with setbacks, they can either make us better or bitter, the choice is ours.

Check Out Our Video Of The Week – Royal City Jewellers & Loans – 70th Anniversary Sale

I spent the last two days at spring training, speaking to the Colorado Rockies. Whenever I speak to baseball players, I am reminded that failure happens often in baseball.

In fact, many call baseball a game of failure because even a Hall of Famer will fail to get a hit 2 out of 3 times. Most players will fail to get a hit 3 out of 4 times. A pitcher will give up hits and home runs and fielders will make errors.

Yes, baseball is a game where you fail often, but when speaking to the players and coaches, I offered a different perspective.

I said, "I don't believe baseball is a game of failure. I believe it's a game of opportunity!"

No matter what happened on the last play, pitch, or at bat, you get the opportunity to make the next one great. 

In the words of Babe Ruth, "Every strike brings me closer to the next home run."

It's the same way with life. Anyone pursuing anything worthwhile will fail and fail often. 

I certainly have failed many times, but when I look back, I realize I wasn't failing. I was growing. I wasn't failing. I was becoming. 

I've learned that you can dwell on the past or look forward to making the next opportunity great.

You can see life as a game of failure or opportunity.

How you see it has a huge impact on your mindset, attitude, energy and the results you produce in the future! 

The Best is Yet to Come!

If your business needs marketing that works, give us a call. We're here to help!

Have a great day unless you chose otherwise!


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Quote of the Week

It's not the sheer difficulty of achieving something that stops you—it's the ease of continuing to tell yourself the story that you can't.


Word of the Week

Festinate (fess-tuh-nut) : Hasty

eg :
"I assure you," said the Ambassador, "I am all too aware of the dangers inherent in a festinate decision."


Proverb of the Week

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

(Proverbs 11 verse 2 The Bible)


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